Seismic Retrofit Project Is this email not displaying correctly?
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Dear St. Anne School Class of 1964,

Our school has a long and rich history of educating thousands of students in the Catholic tradition. You are certainly among our very important St. Anne School Alum. We always love seeing our Alum coming back to visit. The stories and memories of your time here at St. Anne School reinforces our mission.

We are writing to request your help for our school. In 2014, the City of San Francisco passed an ordinance requiring all private schools to do a seismic study. Although our school has survived the past few earthquakes, the study revealed that if an earthquake shook from a different direction, the walls and ceilings might collapse. I don't think we would want to imagine the consequences of that happening to our children. After much consultation with our parents, our School Advisory Board and Parish Finance Committee, Fr. Dan and I have decided to move ahead with retrofitting our school for the safety of our children.

Through generous donors from the past who have established our endowment, the School and Parish will fund approximately $3.2 million, which is about 80% of the $4.1 million needed for the project. However, we'll still need $800K. We hope to meet the rest through a loan and through fundraising. Our Alumni fundraising goal is approximately $100,000. May we ask you to consider giving to this project to help us keep our children safe during the next earthquake? We really hope to encourage 100% participation from our alumni community, so please give at a level that is affordabIe to you or your family. And may I also ask if you would consider asking any of your extended family members or your company's matching donation program to support us in this worthwhile project? We would be grateful for the support.

We have all been beneficiaries of the generosity of past generations and we are asking you to "pay it forward" to help today's students, as well as future generations of St. Anne students. Our school is great not because everyone takes care of themselves, but because we help and take care of each other. We hope that you will consider joining us at any level.

Thank you for your support and know that we will continue to keep you and all our alum in our prayers. As we like to say, "St. Anne Alum… simply THE BEST!"

With sincere thanks and appreciation,

Rev. Daniel Nascimento, Pastor

Mr. Thomas White, Principal
How to donate
  • Check: please download, print, and mail pledge form.
  • Online: PayPal (no PayPal account required)
More information about the project
Alumni Registry June 2017
St. Anne School, 1320 - 14th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94122
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