St. Anne School All Class Reunion |
Save the date of this FREE event: January 25, 2014. Come and celebrate:
- the 25 Year Jubilee of the Msgr. John T. Foudy Endowment Fund
- the 100th Birthday of Msgr. John T. Foudy
- the Original, Founding Members of the Endowment Fund
- the 50 Year Jubilee of the Class of 1964
Join us for:
- Open House 3:00pm
- Mass 5:00pm
- No-host Cocktails 6:30pm
- Dinner 7:00pm
- Presentations 8:00pm
RSVP now
2013 Endowment Fund Campaign |
Keeping in touch has never been easier
As we approach the end of the year, please consider making a tax-deductable
donation to the Msg. John T. Foudy St. Anne School Endowment Fund.
The purpose of the fund is to ensure that the school can provide
a high level of educational excellence for future generations. Download
a pledge
card or donate
Have you visited the alumni
registry website recently? If not, you might not be aware that,
there, you can:
- Register as an alum, to receive periodic updates on what's going
on at your alma mater
- Search for members of your graduating class and send them a
- Provide a status update about what you've been up to that we
share with the alumni community