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Dear St. Anne
It was great seeing so many of you at our All-Class Reunion on
January 25. I hope you enjoyed your time reconnecting and visiting
your "old" classrooms. Time does seem to get away from
us and before we all know it, 2015 will be here.
I am sending out this email to all our alumni inviting them to
an event that takes place each year. Our Star Auction and Gala is
a very fun event that brings people together for a night of wonderful
food, creative/tasty beverages, much laughter, and building long-lasting
friendships. If you were not able to spend enough time reconnecting
or would like to spend more time meeting old friendships, this Star
Auction and Gala would allow you this opportunity. Maybe you can
get a group of classmates together to make up a table of 10. As
an alum, you will receive $5.00 off individual tickets. This is
a beautiful evening filled with much merriment. I hope you will
consider joining in the fun.
See you on April 5.
With thanks,
Thomas C. White